Meet the FXB Waukee Team

Meet the incredible trainers and motivators behind your new transformation.

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Meet the incredible instructors and motivators behind your new transformation.

Train with the best

Your fxb team



Becoming an instructor, and assistant head coach, after 2 years of being a dedicated member of FXB Waukee was a huge leap out of my comfort zone, but also a way to boost my confidence. I’m still shy and reserved off the mat, but something magical happens when I put on that mic and it’s like a switch flips! I’ve learned from some incredible instructors along the way, who pushed me to my full potential, so to be able to do the same for others every day is the greatest feeling and also continues to push me to be my best. Just remember that YES YOU CAN!

Alyssa Miller

Assistant Head Coach



Farrell's helped me with my confidence and brought out my personality. When I started Farrell's, I was incredibly shy. I joined to work on my health and fitness and had no idea the additional benefits the program provided me. By gaining self confidence I became more able to take myself out of my “comfort zone” and interact with people, making new friends and a new career in the process.

Michael Slomczewski




Farrell’s has really helped me stay on target with my fitness goals. I love the Farrell’s approach to helping each other be more successful. We are family! I love seeing the transformation in each and every person who makes the commitment to be more fit. It’s my big “WHY” I love being an instructor.

Jeff Ostrander




As a Farrell's instructor, one of the things I've gained is the confidence to be in front of others and lead the class. As an introvert, this was huge for me. I love "paying it forward" to students and inspiring them like I've been inspired! Farrell's has also enabled me to do some things physically and achieve some goals that weren't possible before, especially through my passion of climbing

Justin McKeever




I love watching people's day to day progression and feel great about being part of their transformation. Over the years, I've really benefitted from the confidence gained by leading classes and have truly appreciated the friendships I've made. The benefits of consistent exercise and following the FXB nutrition plan are key to my long term health plan.

Diane Bonnstetter




Farrell’s has changed my attitude toward exercise, nutrition and so much more. I’ve been a strength instructor for many years now, and I love seeing others reach - and surpass - their goals. Farrell’s is truly a community, focused on seeing everyone succeed!

Jane Johannesen




I love teaching Farrell’s classes because of the energy of the students. Helping motivate the class and then seeing that energy come out when punching the bag, or using a higher resistance bands is very rewarding to me. It helps fill my bucket for sure 🙂

Michelle Ponsor




It is a blessing to be a part of the Farrell's team to help make a difference in the lives of others just like so many instructors/coaches have done and continue to do for me.

Julie Russell




Teaching at Farrell’s has enhanced my ability to connect with people and broaden my avenues to build confidence in myself as a leader. I enjoy interacting with people, challenging each person and motivating them to do it for themselves.

Katie Faeth




Being an instructor provides great opportunities to connect and encourage people. It also causes me to hold myself to a higher standard. When that alarm goes off at 4:30, sometimes it’s hard to get up and get going, but seeing the commitment and effort of those around me gets me going!

Joe Richards




I have the privilege of interacting with a diverse clientele, becoming a significant part of their journey towards healthier living. Being an instructor offers a unique opportunity to inspire positive transformations in their lives, an experience that leaves me profoundly grateful.

Lisa Stannis




After being a consistent FXB member for 2 years I decided to start teaching classes as a way to give back and push myself out of my comfort zone. I love seeing members push themselves and achieve their goals! The relationships I've made with other instructors and fellow members is what keeps me coming back every morning at 5am!

Amy Llewellyn




I love cheering people on and celebrating with them as they work towards and reach their goals. Teaching at Farrell’s gives me the opportunity to work with others on their fitness journey and to help them fine-tune the details. Lifting others up just makes me happy!

MJ Holmes



Director of Training and Programming

Todd is a 5th degree Farrell's U.S. Martial Arts black belt and is the first black belt awarded from Farrells. Todd started Taekwondo classes with Lance Farrell in the summer of 1982 at Guthrie Center High School, started teaching class in 1984 after Master Farrell relocated to Creston, Iowa, and received his black belt in 1986.

Todd Dorr

Director of Training and Programming


Not only are our members trimming down and toning up, but many of them report increased energy and focus allowing them to excel in all areas of life! Don’t take our word for it. Scroll below to see their results for yourself.

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